A poetic, hallucinatory masterpiece that shocks and haunts audiences, providing them with an agonizing and chilling look into not only the horrors of war, the gloss of civilization, but also the unfathomable insanity and absurdity deep-rooted within human souls. 196 min (Redux)
Tom Hanks的演技撑起整部戏有人说抵不过时间的人类的感情我想大概是因为和宇宙的时间长河来比人类的生命只是转瞬即逝有多少人能耗得起时间用来等待呢就像Wilson一样墨西哥毒贩肢解锯头视频最终还是要说再见的I gotta keep breathing, because tomorrow the sun will rise who knows what the tide could bring.